2.2. Access points
Last modified by Wai-Tim Ng on 2020/03/18 14:49
The Austrian Data Cube can be accessed throught: Jupyter notebooks and WMS/WCS Geoserver.
These tools were developed over the course of the project and present an advanced (Jupyter) and a more user-friendly (Geoserver) approach to access the data.
For more information can be found register and access will be granted within two working days.
. To test ACube pleaseThe access the Jupyter notebooks use the following link: https://acube.eodc.eu
The access the Geoserver web interface use the following link: https://geoserver.eodc.eu/geoserver
More detailed instruction for WMS/WCS Geoserver can be found
Requirements QGIS version 3.8 or higher